

MADAM BOVARY AND REALISM Madame Bovary's book, which made a lot of noise at the time it was written, carries the effect of realism on it. Gustave Flaubert wrote down the realistic effect of the book by dealing with normal life. It's no coincidence that the character's last name is Bovary. The oscillation between high and imaginary passions and real life is called bovarism. The main character Emma pursues her extraordinary passions. These passions and feelings, which are completely opposite to his real life, are ingrained in his mind because of the romance novels he read a lot in his youth. His passions, lusts, and enthusiasm are so great that he does not like the life he has at all. The life in his head is different. For this reason, she is constantly disappointed. His first disappointment is that the feeling he thought was love was not love. When eternal love, happiness and passion did not come after marriage, she realised that she was deceived. Many times Emma was deceive...


DİFFERENCES BETWEEN İDEALİSM AND REALİSM AS PHİLOSOPHY AND POLİTİCS The concept of international relations, which is about the communication between states, has also revealed many different views. States had differences of opinion over time, they adopted their own interests. The different ideologies created by international relations, which are exactly this subject, have been adopted by the states. Different opinions in politics were very possible. At this point, the introduction of ideologies has guided the states in creating their own policies. Two of these ideologies, realism and idealism, are two currents of ideas that are widely adopted by states. In fact, although realism is an evolution of idealism, it advocates quite different views. The concepts of good and evil, black and white have been the subject of years of debate in politics and international relations. Here, the concept of idealism defines itself as white. Idealism has always positioned itself in opposition. After all, ...


REALISM INTRODUC TION     From the past to the present, many currents of ideas have been put forward. One of them is realism. Although the use of "ism" in philosophy seems to be a thing of the past, it still continues to be used. We can use the word realism as an example. As time went on, more and more philosophers started talking about realism, but little is known about what realism exactly is. ‘’When they argue for their position, realists typically argue against some version of idealism-in our time, this would be Positivism or Operationalism. (This is not in itself surprising-all philosophers attempt to shift the burden of proof to their opponents. And if one’s opponent has the burden of proof, to dispose of his arguments seems a sufficient defence of one’s own position.) And the typical realist argument against Idealism is that it makes the success of science a miracle  (PUTNAM, 1975-1976) .                   Real...